30个3D用户界面图标集 (30 3D User Interface Icon Set)
概述希望为您的用户提供无缝体验并让他们回头? UI 决定了人们如何看待您的品牌,我们可以帮助您每次都留下深刻印象。介绍 30 3D 用户界面图标集。
从视觉设计到优化,这个独特的集合包含出色 UI 的所有构建块。这些图标不仅在 3D 中看起来令人惊叹,而且您还可以轻松修改它们以适合您的品牌。让我们将该 UI 提升到一个新的水平!
TL;DR:30 个 3D 用户界面图标。利基特定,完全可定制。 4种格式。
“我喜欢这些图标,尤其是因为它们的组织和命名让你不必四处寻找你想要使用的图标。”- michellellc
“这些太棒了!种类繁多,组织得很好。”- ktaylor310
“非常棒的图像 - 超级甜美和吸引人,非常适合我想要的。我喜欢它们有多种图像类型,而且非常易于使用。”- thefulljennyHighlights30 .C4D 格式的用户界面图标1 .Fig 格式的用户界面图标集30 .PNG 格式的用户界面图标30 .Psd 格式的用户界面图标高级和高级质量文件 100% 可定制且易于使用格式 887.4 MB in1 个文件
OverviewWish to provide a seamless experience to your users and keep them coming back? UI determines how people see your brand, and we can help you leave a great impression every time. Introducing the 30 3D User Interface Icon Set.
From visual design to optimization, this unique set features all the building blocks of great UI. Not only do the icons look stunning in 3D, but you can also easily modify them to suit your brand. Let’s take that UI to the next level!
TL;DR: 30 3D user interface icons. Niche-specific, fully customizable. 4 formats.
Formats included: C4D, Figma, PNG, PSD
Icons you’re getting:
user interface, interaction, target user, information, visual design, input, message box, navigation, button, tab, notification, search, hamburger menu, share, contrast, color, white space, typography, optimization, branding, user-friendly, zoom, toggle, touch user interface, voice user interface, form-based user interface, breadcrumb navigation, pagination, slider, tag
Why choose our icons?
Icon structure: Each file format in its own folder for your ease of use.
Attention to detail: Every icon is perfect down to a single pixel. We double-check that.
Customer Support: If you face any type of problem, we’ll help fast.
Our customers say:
“I love these icons, especially because they are organized and named so that you don't have to dig around to find the one you want to use.”- michellellc
“These are great! Wide variety and very well organized.”- ktaylor310
“Really great images - super sweet and appealing and perfect for what I wanted. I love that they come in multiple image types and are so easy to use.”- thefulljennyHighlights30 User Interface Icons in .C4D Format1 User Interface Icon Set in .Fig Format30 User Interface Icons in .PNG Format30 User Interface Icons in .Psd FormatPremium and high quality files100% Customizable and easy to useFormat887.4 MB in1 File